
Our Cleveland Truck Drivers Keep Supply Chains Moving
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, our Cleveland truck drivers at On Time Delivery & Warehouse have been committed to keeping the supply chain moving as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We are navigating a growing number of challenges on highways and at loading docks, working to meet the spiking demand for medical equipment and key consumer staples. Numerous truck stop restaurants have closed their doors in compliance with the orders of public health officials, though some are still offering takeout service. In some states, such as Pennsylvania, rest stops along critical logistics routes have been closed too (about a dozen were later reopened). This is problematic because these aren’t simply locations to pick up snacks and use the restrooms; they’re critical places for long-haul truckers to sleep.
We’re also working with customers who are asking Cleveland truck drivers to remain in their trucks and use paper or electronic methods for payments and signatures for deliveries and pickups. A number of receiving docks have put in place additional restrictions if they originated or traveled through states that are considered “hot zones” of the virus. Some receivers and shippers are requesting truckers sign affidavits indicating they are not experiencing symptoms.
Requests have been made by the American Trucking Associations to the White House to exempt truck drivers delivering goods that are essential from various travel restrictions that have been imposed to contain the pandemic. The ATA asked the government to keep rest stops open ad functioning and provide guidance to the trucking industry on driver health that might possibly include testing for the COVID-19 virus.
Our Cleveland truck drivers know we must do our very best to halt the spread of this pandemic, while also answering the nation’s call to ensure shelves are stocked and emergency supplies are reaching our critical medical personnel and first responders.
Days ago, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issued an emergency declaration to provide hours-of-service regulatory relief to truck drivers responsible for transporting emergency relief in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s the first time the agency has ever issued a nation-wide relief, and it occurred following the president’s declaration of a national emergency. The goal is to help ensure commercial drivers can transport these essential goods faster to areas that have seen the greatest impact.
The regulator relief is extended to Cleveland truckers helping to meet the immediate need for:
- Medical supplies and equipment relating to testing, diagnostics and treatment of the virus.
- Certain healthcare worker supplies and equipment, including gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, masks, etc.
- Food to ensure emergency restocking of stores.
- Equipment, supplies and people necessary to establish and manage temporary quarantine and housing facilities.
- People designated by local, state or federal officials for transport for medical, quarantine or isolation purposes.
- Personnel to provide emergency or medical services.
- Drivers who complete these duties must then receive a minimum of 10 hours off duty if transporting property and 8 hours if transporting persons.
As demand increases and manufacturers and retailers are moving fast to restock distribution centers and stores, we’re seeing tighter trucking capacity. There has also been an uptick in spot market rates of trucking services (when truck drivers are hired on-the-spot for last-minute transport). Those rates have gone up about 6 percent since February, according to industry sources.
In the meantime, shipment of items like health and beauty products, electronics and other non-essential items have been delayed or on hold while retailers make way in distribution centers and brick-and-mortar stores for things like groceries, health care supplies and paper products. Demand for these supplies has caused considerable disruption across numerous supply chains.
In these uncertain times, we want our Cleveland trucking company customers to know we are committed to safety and efficiency and delivering the goods that are critical to your health and operations.
If you have questions about our Cleveland trucking company services, contact On Time Delivery & Warehouse by calling (440) 826-4630 or send us an email.
Additional Resources:
Truckers Facing Coronavirus Hurdles to Keeping Supply Chains Moving, March 18, 2020, The Wall Street Journal
More Blog Entries:
What to Ask When Hiring a Cleveland Trucking Company, Feb. 24, 2020, Cleveland Truck Drivers Blog
- Categorized: Company News
- Tagged: Cleveland truck drivers, Cleveland truckers, Cleveland trucking company
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